Friday, September 26, 2014

Holiday Slimdown Hoedown!

Yeehaw, y'all! It's time for the Holiday Slimdown Hoedown!!!

Are you ready to get a metabolic jump start on all those tasty holiday fixin's that are just around the corner?! I know I am! This hoedown will melt down that unwanted fat, sculpt out lean muscle and increase your cardiac stamina. Not only will you move better, but you will feel better from your hat to your boots. Guaranteed! These workouts will consist of body weight & kettlebell exercises performed at intervals to maximize overall effectiveness. 

This hoedown kicks off on Saturday, October 11 and goes through Friday, January 2. The slimdown class will meet M, W & Fr from 5:30 - 6:30 am every week for 12 weeks. In addition to the weekly classes, there will be a Beginner Workshop twice a month so that anyone can join in on the fun throughout the hoedown. I understand that this time of year can get quite expensive for everyone. That is why I have significantly reduced pricing for this special event! So take advantage, and invest in your best asset, YOU!  Check out the schedule and pricing options below...

The Beginner Workshop (prerequisite to classes) is 2 hours of beginner level kettlebell training that will prepare you to safely participate in the weekly classes.  Choose from one of the following days: October 11 & 25, November 8 & 22, December 6 & 20 from 8:00 - 10:00 am. Cost is $35. Sign Up Now! and get your first week of classes absolutely FREE!! Hold on a minute, there's one more thing. Bring another cowgirl along and y'all both just earned $5 off the workshop price. Woohoo! 

If you have completed a workshop previously, then workshop attendance is not required. However, you can still take advantage of receiving your first week FREE! That's right, partner, you get the same great offer! Just email me at with the week of your choice. 

There are three payment options for classes:
$6/class, single - Sign Up Now!
$55/month, unlimited (savings of $11!) - Sign Up Now!
$132/three months, unlimited (savings of $33 - $66!) -  Sign Up Now!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Risk Free Trial - Body by Bells!!!

Have you been curious about my Body by Bells 12 Week Online Program for Women, but weren't sure about making an investment without really knowing what you are signing up for? Would you like a chance to learn more about it and try some of the workouts before fully committing? Well, now you can!! That's right, I'm going to give you FULL access to the first 2 weeks of the program absolutely free!!!

What you'll get those first 2 weeks...
  • FIVE different Kettlebell workouts & FIVE different Body Weight workouts
  • Follow Along Workout Videos
  • Written Workouts
  • Exercise Demonstrations
  • A function based Warm Up & Cool Down
  • Access to the Body by Bells private Facebook group
  • And my FULL support

What's the catch? There isn't one. I like keeping it real. You simply sign up and your access will begin June 1. During those 2 weeks, follow the program and begin to feel your body change for the better. On June 15, decide whether or not you would like to continue with the remaining 10 weeks. If so, payment will be due. If not, thank you for trying the program. It really is that simple.  

If you want to feel & move better, if you want to gain lean & functional strength, if you want to lose fat & tone your body, if you want increase your cardiac ability, if you want to up your game in your chosen sport or if you simply just want to have fun, then this program is perfect for you!!!

Find out what others have to say and read more about the program here.
Send an email to
to sign up now!!! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!!!

As a Mom of four kids, I know how hard it can be to find time for yourself and exercise. Especially, when a baby is involved. In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I would share some great strength building exercises that you can do with your baby. Watch this Mommy Muscles Workout  video that demonstrates how to do these easy, fun and effective exercises. Then after you and baby have practiced the exercises, put them all together in a workout that you create or simply follow the example below.

Mommy Muscles Workout
Baby Floor Bridge - 10 reps both legs or 5 reps each side for Single-Leg
Baby Chest Press (on your back) - 8 reps
Baby Squats - 10 reps Goblet or 5 each side for Front 
Baby Plank (low or high) - 30 seconds
Baby Press (standing) - 5 reps
Baby Back Lunges - 6 to 8 each side
Baby Front Lunges - 6 to 8 each side
Baby Overhead Situps - 8 to 10
Baby Twists - 30 seconds
Try to keep rest between exercises to a minimum. Repeat this set 2 - 4 times depending on your fitness level and the cooperation of your little cutie pie. Rest 1-3 minutes between each set. When you're done, take your baby for a brisk 30+ minute walk (optional) for an added boost to your metabolism.
*Be sure to hold your baby in a safe way that corresponds with their developmental age. An example would be, cradling your baby in your arm(s) instead of holding them in a sitting position against your side (lunges) or out in front of you with both hands (goblet squat).*

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday, Good Workout

Today is Good Friday. Because of that, I'd like to share with you a workout from my Body by Bells 12 week program absolutely free! This workout comes from Week 7. Feel free to adjust the reps or sets depending on your fitness level. You can also do the squats and lunges with no weight, and you can do two-hand swings or single-arm swings instead of high pulls if you are not ready for those. The video quality isn't the greatest (I'm currently waiting on a new power cord for the video camera I normally use), but the workout itself is! You can find more information about how to join Body by Bells on this blog or our website . Enjoy & have a Good Friday! ~ Mandy

* If you don't see the video click here! *
Body by Bells Workout 12 - Kettlebells 
Deadlift - 10 
Two-Hand Swing - 10
Clean & Press - 5 each side
Single-Arm Swing - 5 each side
Clean & Front Squat - 5 each side
Alternating Swing - 20
Rest for 30 - 60 seconds
Windmills - 3 each side
Tactical Lunge - 10
Two-Hand Swing - 10
Plank- 30 sec
Single-Arm Row - 8 each side (*note* keep a 90 degree in elbow, not 45)
Alternating High Pulls - 20
Rest for 60-90 seconds and repeat for 3 sets.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Body by Bells

Body by Bells is a beginner level 12 week online training program for women that focuses on burning fat through building strength. Each week consists of 3-4 workouts that can be done on your own time and anywhere you have internet access. These exercises can be performed with either kettlebells or body weight. Included are exercise demos, follow along videos and written plans for each workout. Once you become a member of Body by Bells, you will always be a member at no additional charge! To sign up, simply visit our website or go to Online Services & Pricing located in the right side bar of this blog. Here is what some other women have to say…

~ I love the convenience of the Body by Bells online program. I can perform the workout for that day at my own pace, in my own space, at a time when it is most convenient for me to do so. I love the accessibility it offers. I can do the program from my home or on vacation since there is an option to use the kettlebell or just body weight. The workouts are not time consuming, and I still get results! I feel better. I feel stronger. My back doesn’t ache at the end of the day like it used to. I have more motivation that carries into other aspects of my life. Mandy explains the exercises thoroughly. She demonstrates and performs each exercise in a way that is easy to follow.” ~ Haley / Georgia

~I began the Body by Bells program with a goal of becoming a stronger, faster runner. At only four weeks in the program, I can already tell it has had a positive impact on my running. My last two training long runs (16 and 18 miles) have gone faster and smoother than anticipated. Since training with Mandy and Body by Bells, I can tell my core and legs are much stronger. I've been running full marathons for six years and because of this program, I believe this year’s races will be my best yet! I highly recommend Mandy and her program, Body by Bells!” ~ Emily / Tennessee

~"I am an out of shape 43 year old woman who has strived to avoid weight training and most forms of exercise since filling her requirements for P.E. in college. I found myself last year a good 20 pounds over the top end of weight for my BMI. My doctor suggested I walk briskly 30 minutes every day. I did this for one year. In that year, I lost a total of 3 lbs. Although I had more energy and was sleeping better, I could tell that I was quickly losing what little muscle strength I had in my arms, most of my flexibility and was still overweight! Fast forward to today. I have been working with Mandy for only a month. In that month, I have lost 3 lbs and some inches off of my waist and hips. I have energy, I am sleeping better at night, my flexibility is returning and my strength is slowly increasing. As an instructor, she explains what she is doing slowly, pausing to give her students time to catch up and repeats the explanation several times throughout the movement. I think what I love most about Mandy is that she is real. She is a real person and that comes through in her videos, her emails and her posts on-line. I would love to live closer to her so that I could work out with her in person, but I am so thankful that she offers her services and skills via the internet. I recommend her to anyone and everyone!" ~ Alisa / Arizona

~“Having tried many forms of exercise, Mandy has now converted me to kettlebells. I have been surprised at how quickly my body has changed, and the strength and endurance I now possess. And I know this is just the tip of the iceberg. I love that with the online program I'm able to workout when it works best for me, yet still have easy access to Mandy and all of her experience. She is professional, knowledgeable, and humble. I am looking forward to many more workouts using her program!” ~ Lori / Tennessee

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Kettlebell Beginner Tabata Video

Kettlebell Beginner Tabata - Follow Along Video
20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for strength and cardio in 6 minutes
High pull, catch & squat x2
Single-arm swing (left)
Single-arm swing (right)
Two-hand swing x2
Repeat for a total of 2 sets
70+ calories burnt in 6 minutes
120+ caloric afterburn at 12 minutes

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The 8 Laws of Physical Health & How Our Training Programs Use These Laws

There are eight laws to physical health according to Pete Egoscue, and the Eclipse Fitness training programs are designed to support these laws.  If you are a runner, you will run faster.  If you are a cycler, you will cycle better.  If you are a swimmer, you will swim easier.   If you are an athlete, your performance will improve.  If you lack mobility, you will rediscover it.  If you need more strength, you will gain it.  If you need to lose weight, you will lose it. If you simply want to enjoy your quality of life more, then you will. Here is how...

1. Vertical Loading: Gravity is necessary for health.  In order for gravity to exert a positive and dynamic influence on the body, the skeleton must be vertically aligned in its postures.
  • The Turkish Get Up teaches the body through fluid movements to vertically align.

2. Dynamic Tension: A state of constant tension exists between the front of the body and the back.  The posterior portion is responsible for the erection of the body and the anterior is responsible for the flexion, or bending forward, of the body.  Neither activity can be performed correctly and healthily without this action.
  • The Swing incorporates both flexion and extension of the body through its center driving force of the hips. This allows the body to not only learn how to bend forward and stand erect properly, but it also teaches it how to move between the two states (front to back) efficiently.

3. Form & Function: Bones do what muscles tell them to do.  All skeletal motion is initiated by muscle activity.
  • Not all exercise movements are created equal.  Some even go against and inhibit the natural movement patterns that we are born with.  They can train dysfunctions and then lead to injury.  Each and every exercise in the training programs we offer adhere to only movement patterns that support natural form and function.

4. Breathing: The body will not function without oxygen. So essential is this law that the body has redundant systems to ensure compliance.
  • These redundant systems may ensure compliance, but do not counteract the effects that poor posture has on breathing. You've seen poor posture - shoulders and heads are pitched forward and down, eyes looking toward the ground.  This stresses the diaphragm by not allowing it to properly function and reduces the size of the lung cavity making it more difficult to fully exchange air.  The exercises  within our programs will promote natural correction of the posture - straight and tall with head erect and eyes looking straight ahead.  This allows the diaphragm and lungs to function at full capacity.  

5. Motion: All of the body's systems - digestive, circulatory, immune, and so on - are interrelated.  The common thread that binds them together is movement.  The faster the molecules of the body move, the higher the metabolic rate.  The higher the metabolic rate, the healthier the human being.  We are designed to run, jump, climb, fall, roll and skip, not just for initial development but for continued health throughout our lives.  If these activities hurt or cause pain, it is because we are violating some or all of the laws of health.
  • Just like our programs support form and function, they are also designed to encourage the body to move at full range without discomfort or pain.  We also do NOT encourage stressing the body through movement to the point of exhaustion or vomiting.  Body systems are interrelated.  When exhaustion or vomiting happens, this is the body's way of telling you that you have done too much.  So much that those systems have begin to shut down. 

6. Balance: In order for the law of motion to be effective and true, the body must achieve balance, defined as muscle memory, sufficient to constantly return the body to the first law of vertical load.  For balance to occur, muscles must work in pairs and equally on the right and left sides of the body.  Being left- or right-handed hinders this balance only when we violate the laws of motion.
  • The Single-leg Deadlift teaches the body how to achieve proper balance, but that is not all.  It improves hamstring flexibility and vertical stabilization. It also builds strength in your hamstrings, lower back and upper back.

7. Stimulus: The body reacts to all stimuli 24 hours a day, regardless of the conscious state of health.  Therefore, the law of motion constantly reinforces this law of stimulus.  If motion is limited, the law of stimulus becomes stressful to the body.  The body absorbs pollutants and irritants rather than deflecting them.
  • Because of our overall approach and the type of exercises we use, your body will move better and more efficiently.  This in turn allows the body to react more positively to stimuli within the environment that surrounds you..

8. Renewal: The body is organic; therefore, it is in a constant state of growth or rebirth.  Muscles, bones, nerves, connective tissues, cartilage and the like are all alive.  If the body is not renewing, it is because we are violating the laws of physical health.  The more laws we violate, the faster we age and die.  
  •  The fact that our training programs are based on all aspects of  The Eight Laws of Physical Health, means that the body is better able to renew itself and increase its longevity. 

Superior training is based on superior principles.  And that is what we do here.  Go ahead, impress yourself!